Thursday, March 29, 2012

Air Force One Secret Service Agents Who Departed Love Field with JFK's body back to D.C. on 11/22/63

VOLUME 18 OF THE WARREN COMMISSION HEARINGS & EXHIBITS- SEE ALSO: Agents in bold were ON AF1 from Dallas back to D.C. on 11/22/63- 18 H 723 SA William R “Bill” Greer [driver of JFK’s limo and the hearse] (deceased February 1985) 18 H 723, 728 ASAIC Roy H Kellerman (deceased March 1984) [SAs Sam Kinney (deceased July 1997) and George W Hickey (deceased): on C-130 with Presidential limousine and follow-up car] 18 H 737, 738 ATSAIC/ Shift Leader Emory P Roberts (deceased November 1973): departed Dallas at 3:15 aboard AF2 with fellow 8am-4pm shift agents Donald J Lawton (STILL LIVING), John D “Jack” Ready (STILL LIVING), and William T “Tim” McIntyre (STILL LIVING) [note: SA’s David B Grant (STILL LIVING) and Winston G Lawson (STILL LIVING) stayed IN Dallas to help the Dallas police with the investigation] SA Glen Bennett (PRS agent; deceased 1994) + 4pm-12am (Midnight) shift: ATSAIC Stuart G Stout (deceased 1974); SA Sam Sulliman (STILL LIVING); SA Richard Johnsen [keeper of CE399/ the magic bullet recovered from Parkland Hospital] (deceased); SA Ernest E Olsson, Jr (STILL LIVING); SA Andrew E “Andy” Berger (deceased) 18 H 744: SA Clinton J Hill (STILL LIVING) 18 H 757: SA Paul E Landis, Jr (STILL LIVING) 18 H 771: ASAIC (VP LBJ Detail) Rufus W Youngblood (deceased 1996) 18 H 775: ATSAIC (VP LBJ Detail) Thomas L “Lem” Johns (STILL LIVING) 18 H 780-781: SA (VP LBJ Detail) Jerry D Kivett (deceased) 18 H 783-784: SA Warren W “Woody” Taylor (STILL LIVING) 18 H 794: SA John Joe Howlett (STILL LIVING)- set up security for AF1 ALSO: SAs Ready, Lawton & Grant helped load the coffin onto AF1, so they WERE briefly on board, but did NOT depart Dallas in that plane SA RICHARD E JOHNSON, THE MAN WHO HAD CE399, WAS THE LONE AGENT WITH THE BODY OF JFK ON AF1 [18 H 799]: HE WAS THERE BY REQUEST OF PRESIDENT JOHNSON! Volume 25- 25 H 787: SA Henry J “Hank” Rybka (deceased 1975) 25 H 786-787: SA Roger C Warner (STILL LIVING)---Dallas was his first presidential trip! Born 11/9/35; Graduated Saginaw (MI) High School; MSU 1957; served 3 years US Bureau of Narcotics; 20 years USSS (later protected VP Humphrey); 12 YEARS CIA ! Spoke to HSCA; on Facebook!; belongs to Conservative Party of Canada (CPC); Facebook friend of researcher Bill Drenas 25 H 788: SA John J “Muggsy” O’Leary (deceased) 25 H 787: SA William L “Bill” Duncan (STILL LIVING)- came from Fort Worth, where he was the advance agent, with SA Mike Howard (STILL LIVING) 25 H 788: SA William H Patterson (WHEREABOUTS UNKNOWN)

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Great new review of Blaine's book

Blaine's book FAILS to debunk Vince Palamara's research, March 27, 2012 By tradabada "trada" (cleveland, OH) - See all my reviewsThis review is from: The Kennedy Detail: JFK's Secret Service Agents Break Their Silence (Hardcover) Author and researcher Vince Palamara interviewed and corresponded with many former Secret Service agents and White House aides, years before Blaine's book saw the light of day. They all told him, in a literary landslide, that President Kennedy did NOT order the agents off his limousine in Tampa, Dallas, or anywhere else. It is laughable how defensive Blaine's book is in tone. This would actually be a fine book if not for the blatant propaganda contained herein, which is why I couldn't stoop to even giving it one star. Avoid.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Roy Kellerman and "the, ah, body..."

Thanks to great researchers Joe Backes, David Lifton and Doug Horne for these excellent insights and observations:

This is from page 4 and 5 of Horne's transcript.

Crown - (that's the White House) 26000, ah Duplex is on, go ahead

SAM 26000 - [garbled] Stand By

Duplex - (Gerry Behn) Hello

Digest - (Roy Kellerman) Ok. Jerry?

Duplex - Hello

Digest - [garbled] in here now, ah, we're at the airport, 26000, everybody aboard.

Duplex - Okay go ahead

Digest - We're waiting for the swearing in

Duplex - That is for Volunteer, is that right

Digest - Yes, we are having [garbled] before we take off, Jerry

Duplex - That's affirmative. Do you have any idea what, ah, Lace ( Jackie) wants to do and what Volunteer wants to do on their arrival here?

Digest - No, I will call you back. Suggest --we have a 2 hour 15 minute flight into Andrews. We have a full plane of at least 40.

Duplex - Ok, go ahead

Digest - I'll have to call you again after the, ah, body. However, I'm sure the, ah, Volunteer boys will go over his car and so forth. We will need [garbled] and several others.

Duplex - All right, let me know what Volunteer wants to do when they, ah, land if they want to come into Crown by, ah, helicopter.

Digest - That's a Roger. I'll call you again.

Duplex - OK

Joe Backes: What does Kellerman mean? What is going on with "the, ah, body?" What is this "after" the body? Officially, its already on board and in the ceremonial bronze casket. Why does Kellerman need to call Behn at the White House again about the body?

From legendary author David Lifton:

About the radio transmissions made by Roy Kellerman:

Every word spoken by SS Agent Roy Kellerman is important, because (a) he was the senior agent on the Dallas trip and (b ) President Kennedy's body was in the Dallas coffin when it was placed aboard Air Force One at 2:18 PM CST, and was not in that coffin when AF-1 took off at 2:47 PM.

That fact can be stated with confidence because of the evidence of the sequence of arrivals --of body and coffin--at Bethesda Naval Hospital, as first published in BEST EVIDENCE in January, 1981. Here is that data:

(a) Air Force One arrived at Andrews at (approx) 6 P.M. EST - -this was a nationally televised event. The Dallas coffin was then offloaded and carried the few yards to a naval ambulance. Jacqueline Kennedy and Robert Kennedy and Air Force aide McHugh got into that ambulance. Driving that ambulance was Greer, Burkley was in the front seat, and so was Kellerman.

(b ) That naval ambulance pulled away from the side of AF-1 at 6:10 PM EST --again, a nationally televised event

(c ) The arrival of JFK's body at Bethesda Naval Hospital - 6:35 PM PST

This was not televised, and is something we know from various reports. The President's body was delivered to the rear of Bethesda Naval Hospital in another vehicle -- a black hearse--at 6:35 PM.

It was in a shipping casket.

Inside that black hearse were some half dozen men in plain clothes.

The arrival of the black hearse, with the shipping casket, some 20 minutes before the arrival of the naval ambulance containing Jacqueline Kennedy, RFK, and the Dallas casket, was witnessed by Dennis David, who was Chief of the Day at Bethesda. His account (first provided to me in a telephone interview in July, 1979, and then on camera in October, 1980) is published verbatim in Chapter 25 of BEST EVIDENCE.

The time of arrival is documented in the report of Marine Sergeant Robert Boyajian, the NCOIC (non-commissioned officer in charge) of the Marine security detail. This report was first unearthed by the ARRB, circa 1998.

The shipping casket was brought to the morgue, and opened. This event was witnessed by Paul O'Connor, who was inside the Bethesda morgue, and helped open the shipping casket. Inside the shipping casket was a body bag--and inside the body bag was President Kennedy's body. The cranium was empty. These facts were provided to the HSCA by O'Connor (1977 and 1978) , and are in the HSCA Outside Contact Report of O'Connor, first released in 1993 under the JFK Records Act. They were also stated in Florida newspaper interviews, circa 1978. They were provided to me in a detailed telephone interview in August, 1978, and are set forth in Chapter 26 of BEST EVIDENCE.

These facts establish that President Kennedy's body arrived in a different coffin than the one it was in when it left Dallas, and wrapped differently (not in sheets, but in a body bag)

The naval ambulance containing the Dallas coffin, Jacqueline Kennedy, and Robert Kennedy, arrived at Bethesda at 6:53-6:55 PM EST. That fact was witnessed and reported by news reporters present at Bethesda Naval Hospital.

Since the President's body arrived at Bethesda Naval Hospital some 20 minutes before the arrival of the Dallas casket, it is clear that the Dallas casket offloaded from Air Force One after the plane rolled to a halt at 6:04 PM EST at Andrews Air Force Base was empty.

But the Dallas coffin placed aboard the plane at 2:18 PM CST was not empty. It definitely contained President Kennedy's body. That coffin had just arrived from Parkland Hospital, and it left Parkland Hospital with the body inside.

From this data it is clear that something happened prior to take off at Love Field. Something happened, aboard Air Force One, when it was parked at Love Field--between 2:18 PM and 2:47 PM EST.

Just what was that "something"?

I addressed this matter--but don't present an eyewitness solution to the answer--in Chapter 31 of BEST EVIDENCE.

In BEST EVIDENCE, I wrote that when Air Force One rolled down the runway at Love Field, the coffin was empty.

That was true when BEST EVIDENCE was published;I stand by that statement today.

All I am saying here, in this post, is that Roy Kellerman, the Assistant to the Special Agent in Charge ("ATSAIC") was on the scene --at Love Field in Dallas, and at Andrews Air Force Base.

He had to know what happened; he had to be part of whatever happened.

And one other thing: it didn't happen by magic.

The President's body was inside the Dallas coffin when it was placed aboard Air Force One at 2:18 PM CST. The President's body was not inside that coffin when it was offloaded from Air Force One at around 6:05-6:08 PM EST at Andrews Air Force Base.

The senior government official on the plane was President Lyndon Johnson. And whatever happened to President Kennedy's body aboard AF-1 could not be done without permission, i.e., without a "green light" from higher authority.

There's little question in my mind that a fully unedited version of the Air Force One tapes would provide a definitive answer to the question of "what happened", and "who knew what happened" and "what justifications were provided for what happened."

For now--on this newly released tape--we have Roy Kellerman speaking just three words ". . ah, the body . . ." I trust that at some date in the future, a tape will be found with many more words, even sentences, and much more information.

In this context,let's recall President Kennedy's statement, quoting the Chinese proverb: "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

Someday, I am sure, we will be able to take many more steps on that journey towards the truth.

So much, then, for the Air Force One tapes. One other matter, in the spirit of a post-script:


General Chester Clifton was the senior military aide aboard the flight. And his voice can be heard, repeatedly, on the AF-1 tapes (and in 1980, I had the "Johnson Library Version" of those tapes, first unearthed, as I recall, by JFK researcher Fred Newcomb in Los Angeles). I had studied that tape carefully, spending hours --wearing a headset--listening to every single sentence.

After the manuscript to BEST EVIDENCE has been submitted (April 1, 1980), and the publication process had begun, I arranged to interview General Chester Clifton in his office, in Washington, D.C. The date was July 15, 1980, and the interview was an "on-the-record" affair. I had the Air Force One tapes with me, and a recorder to play them on. I also had a second recorder to record our interview. Everything was above board. No hidden recorders. Everything done with full permission. Clifton knew my book would soon be published. I will have much more to say about it in a future writing.

When I interviewed Clifton (and again, this was six months prior to the appearance of BEST EVIDENCE in any bookstore) he had no idea of the evidence that I had ascertained re the sequence of arrivals of body and coffin at Bethesda. And one purpose of my interview was to push him hard on this question: Just what did he know?

I never was able to get Clifton to admit that he had direct knowledge of what happened at the back of Air Force One. For one thing, he wasn't back there. He was at the front of the plane, where the radios were located.

As I pursued the matter--very much in the manner of "Columbo" interview ("Well, sir. . I really must ask you just one more question. . " etc), and when Clifton realized how much I did know, and that I had entire chapters of my forthcoming work devoted to the sequence of arrivals of the Dallas coffin and the President's body (and that the body had arrived at Bethesda 20 minutes before the coffin), General Clifton admitted, four times, that yes, prior to takeoff in Dallas, the President's body could have been taken off Air Force One through the rear starboard door, at the back of the plane. And that he would not have known about that.

One other thing: Clifton was no dummy, and he knew the centrality of the body as evidence, and the importance of the autopsy. In a letter I have a copy of, written by relative of Clifton, in which he describes what Clifton said to him after the publication of the Warren Report, this person writes that Clifton said "Do not believe the Warren Report."

One other matter, and this is a post-script to my post-script: In 1985, I was at Hofstra College and attending their public symposium on the Kennedy presidency. Up on stage were several former JFK administration officials. Clifton was sitting in the audience, several rows in front of me. Under discussion was foreign policy and Vietnam. During the Q an A that followed the panel discussion, he stood up, much older looking now, and almost with his finger shaking, he told them: "I remember that President Kennedy said he would never send troops to Asia" (or words to that effect. Clifton was quite explicit and his remarks were delivered with considerable emotion). This entire matter is probably recorded on film--certainly, it would be on the audio of that memorable event.

3/16/12; 5 PM PDT

Joe Backes: The decision for the body/casket and only the body/casket to go (I'm not even getting into different caskets and arrival times at Bethesda yet) ANYWHERE WITHOUT JACKIE was never a decision of Jackie's. Somebody wanted the body/casket to go, ALONE, by helicopter somewhere. That idea and the many different ways it's expressed and by many different people was never Jackie's idea.

It is speculated that the conspirators thought they could separate Jackie from JFK at some point in Parkland Hospital. That didn't happen. If you read everything that is available in the public record you'll read where LBJ was kind of pissed off that a Catholic ceremony was performed at Parkland as JFK was given the Last Rites. This delayed things at Parkland. I don't think there was anyone who was Catholic or knew anything about the Roman Catholic faith, its ceremonies or traditions in the group of conspirators who killed JFK.

Your opinion that this is just a misunderstanding and that they eventually got it together and went to Bethesda per Jackie's request is an opinion you're being guided into believing. Harold Weisberg goes into this whole "blame the Kennedys," mentality for when and where things seem odd in his book Post-Mortem.

Third, the reason I want researchers to focus in on one conversation is because something strange is going on. JFK's body is in a bronze ceremonial casket and is already aboard AF1. When it arrives and is off loaded at Andrews its empty. JFK's body arrives at Bethesda before Jackie and the Navy ambulance get there as Lifton discovered and details in his book. I believe its Dennis David, or maybe Jerrol Custer, who is carrying X-rays and/or other autopsy photos just taken of JFK when he sees Jackie and the rest ARRIVING at Bethesda.

This cannot be, if JFK is in the ceremonial casket too and is just arriving. The conclusion is obvious. JFK's body got there another way.

Lifton theorizes that they took JFK out of the ceremonial casket at some point while it was on board AF1, probably shortly before LBJ swears himself in as the new POTUS. So, for Roy Kellerman, who is THE central figure in the movement of JFK's body, to say something as odd as he does, that he needs to call Gerry Behn back after SOMETHING happens to "the, ah, body," is damn strange. He doesn't say, "I don't know," or "As far as I know a decision hasn't been made," or anything like that.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Nexus: The CIA and Political Assassination"- great new book

I am a huge fan of Larry Hancock's seminal work "Someone Would Have Talked"---brilliant piece of investigative journalism; easily, one of the finest books on the JFK assassination. Well, Larry has written what I consider to be a very worthwhile addendum to that book with "Nexus: The CIA & Political Assassination." In fact, because of its modest size (a tad over 200 pages), perhaps this book would be the place to start for those unfamiliar with the aforementioned volume. Larry puts all the pieces together in a highly documented and persuasive fashion, demonstrating just how the CIA worked years before the JFK assassination, as well as shortly before, during, and after. By focusing on the agency in this way, Larry paints a compelling case for CIA complicity in the assassination. Indeed, the CIA, Cuba, and Conspiracy are the three "C"'s Larry depicts in sharp relief with to-the-point narrative and excellent research. Get this one now...and "Someone Would Have Talked", as well. Your library is not complete without them. Kudos, Larry, for another outstanding book!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Another historically significant Jackie ensemble is also the subject of continuing contention: the pink suit and pillbox hat she wore on the day President Kennedy was assassinated. It was said that it was Jack himself who personally selected the First Lady’s outfit for that warm day in Dallas, choosing a pink wool suit with three-quarter-length sleeves and a blue underblouse. She completed the refreshing look with a pink pillbox hat and white gloves.
Jackie called the suit’s color “raspberry,” and she had actually worn it on two previous occasions. Princess Di, and later Kate Middleton, took their cue from her in wearing recycled clothes even to public appearances. Again some accounts claim the suit is an Oleg Cassini, while others insist it is a Chanel.
It was actually another Chez Ninon copy of a Chanel pink boucle wool suit trimmed with a navy blue collar created by the New York salon in 1961. The knockoff was a pragmatic purchase by Jackie, as it reportedly cost between $800 and $1,000.  At the time, the real-deal Chanel commanded over $10,000. It was Jackie’s way of buying American while indulging her preference for Paris fashion.
Splattered with President Kennedy’s blood and gray matter, the pink suit was sent to the complex of the National Archives and Records Administration in Maryland, where such American treasures as the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are stored.
The suit was placed in “an acid-free container in a windowless room somewhere inside; the precise location is kept secret. The temperature hovers between 65 and 68 degrees [Celsius], the humidity is 40 percent, the air is changed six times an hour,” so goes a report from the Los Angeles Times. Caroline Kennedy, the sole surviving heir of the cursed Kennedys, stipulated in 2003 that the suit cannot be displayed for 100 years.
The donated pink suit came with Jackie’s blouse, handbag, shoes and even her stockings, along with an unsigned note on the letterhead stationery of Janet Auchincloss, her mother.
But where’s the pillbox hat?
Agent Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent assigned to protect Jackie and who famously lunged onto the back of the limousine that horrifying day to protect her, has the answer. “I know what happened to the hat,” he said in a phone interview with the Los Angeles Times. “I gave it to Mary Gallagher.”
Gallagher, who has cashed in on her Kennedy connections with a book in the 1970s, titled My Life with Jacqueline Kennedy, as well as putting up for auction some Kennedy memorabilia, was contacted by the paper: “I don’t accept these kinds of calls. Over the years they’ve just been enough so that I’ve had to draw the line.... I’m sorry. I can’t help you any further,” she said before hanging up.
There’s something sinister about this Mary.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Very interesting Secret Service programs on the Discovery Channel 3/6/12

From the network that brought you the controversial "Kennedy Detail" and "Secrets of the Secret Service", March 6, 2012 saw the airing of not one but three new Secret Service programs, all highly revealing (maybe too much so) and entertaining, as well. "Armored Car/ Presidential Beast" was, admittedly, the least of the 3, as the program narrator admits that they did not have access to the classified details of the new presidential automobile, affectionately nicknamed "The Beast." So, they did the next best thing and resorted to very good deductions and speculation involving the guys from the Texas Armoring Team, a company responsible for armored cars for the elite, rich, famous and powerful. Former Secret Service Agents Dan Sullivan and Will Slade offered their comments, while the Texas Armoring Team demonstrated several armored vehicles and their abilities to stand up to explosives and fire power.

"Secret Service Secrets: The Home Front" was perhaps the most interesting-and perhaps too revealing-of the three, as former Secret Service Agents Joe Funk@ (served 21 years; protected Bush 41 & Clinton; protected Candidate Mitt Romney during early part of campaign 2012), William Pickle#, Joe Petro@@, William Albracht* (served 25 years; protected Reagan, Bush 41; founding member of CAT), Daniel Bongino** (served 12 years; protected Clinton, Bush, and Obama [for 2 years]), and Jerry Parr+ discussed various protective functions and so forth. Items covered: inaugurals, with a special emphasis on President Barack Obama's 1/20/2009 inaugural; "The Beast"; firearms training; White House security (involving PPD, ERT [Emergency Response Team], and the UD); the 10/29/94 Duran assault rifle attack on the White House; canine units; the doomsday bunker; the motorcade or "package"; the CAT team, of which Albracht was a founding member in 1979; driver training; and the 3/30/81 Reagan assassination attempt.

Albracht had a quotable quote: "The worst thing you can do in an ambush situation is to stop"...hear that, Blaine and Greer?

The final program, "Secret Service Secrets: Campaign Nightmare", involved most of the same cast of characters and was fairly interesting, as well.

Vince Palamara
Bill Albracht Announces
Candidacy for State Senate
Albracht: “I’m not going to sit back and watch career politicians destroy our state.”

MOLINE, IL–Retired Secret Service agent and decorated Vietnam veteran William “Bill” Albracht has declared his bid to run for Illinois State Senate in the Illinois 36th Senatorial District. Albracht will announce his candidacy tonight at the annual Mercer County Lincoln Day Dinner in Aledo, IL.

Albracht served 25 years with the United States Secret Service, protecting every President at some point since 1975, including then candidate and current President Barack Obama. Albracht served on the Vice Presidential Protection detail during the Reagan and Bush Administrations, and he was one of the founding members of the Counter Assault Team (CAT), the Secret Service’s elite anti-terrorism response unit.

Albracht also served a tour of duty in Vietnam with the United States Army Special Forces, commonly known as the Green Berets. At the age of 21, he was the youngest Captain to serve in the Vietnam War. Albracht is one of the most highly decorated veterans in Illinois. He was awarded two Silver Stars for gallantry in action, five Bronze Stars and three Purple Hearts for wounds received in combat action. Albracht also served two terms as President of Vietnam Veterans of America, Quad Cities Chapter 299.

Albracht, a trained and proven leader, said effective leadership has been lacking in Illinois for a long time.

“Illinois has lost its focus in recent years,” Albracht said. “Our politicians have forgotten that they are supposed to be serving their constituents, not the other way around. The people are ready for leaders who will have the courage to make the tough choices needed to fix Illinois. I’m not running for State Senate to make friends. I’m running to do what’s best for the people of the 36th District and for the people of Illinois. I’m proud to live in Illinois, and it sickens me to see our state mocked as the punch line to every joke on late night television. No more. I’m not going to sit back and watch career politicians destroy our state.”

A vocal proponent of term limits, Albracht said he vowed to serve no more than two terms as State Senator.

“Part of the problem in Springfield is the culture of career politicians,” Albracht said. “We have people who have worked in government for decades that have become detached from ordinary citizens. I believe two terms is enough time to properly serve the district and then return to life as normal.”

Albracht will be campaigning on three major issues: repealing the tax increase, restoring fiscal discipline, and remembering common sense.

“I believe deeply in a common sense approach to government, and that starts with listening to the voice of the people,” Albracht said. “The best ideas don’t come from bureaucrats in Springfield — they come from everyday citizens. As a citizen who has never held public office, I understand that perfectly. I intend to listen closely to the people of the 36th District so that we can work together to get Illinois back on sound fiscal and political footing.”

Albracht plans to conduct an informal “Listening Tour” throughout the 36th District to trade ideas with constituents about ways to improve Illinois. Stops on the tour will be announced in the coming weeks.

Albracht intends to maintain an open, honest dialogue with the media throughout the campaign. To schedule an interview, please contact Bill at 309-278-8558.

For more information about Bill Albracht, please visit his website at

United States Secret Service
Daniel proudly joined the ranks of the U.S. Secret Service in 1999 as a Special Agent where he graduated the Secret Service training academy with honors. Beginning his career in the New York Field Office, he was assigned to investigate federal crimes, including but not limited to, computer crimes, bank fraud, credit card fraud, protective intelligence and counterfeiting. His early career was marked by a number of investigative successes. Although the details of his signature investigation are still for official use only, it involved over 300 million dollars in potential financial fraud and a nexus to international terrorism. This joint investigation in cooperation with the FBI, IRS, SSA and a number of local police agencies, was responsible for collapsing a major international fraud ring. The investigation earned Daniel the Department of Justice recognition award, along with other agency specific awards, for excellence in federal investigations.

Daniel left the New York Field Office in 2002 to become an instructor at the Secret Service Training Academy in Beltsville, Maryland. He was the project manager for the re-design of the investigative tactics training program which he subsequently taught to incoming trainees. Daniel was awarded a number of commendations for his work in researching and re-designing the investigative curriculum to reflect current trends in federal crime.

In 2006, Daniel entered into duty on the elite Presidential Protection Division in the administration of President George W. Bush, graduating at the top of his class in the difficult detail training program. Daniel distinguished himself early by becoming one of the earliest tenured Special Agents to be given responsibility for an operational section of the protective detail. Daniel remained on protective duty during the change in administration to President Barack Obama and again distinguished himself by quickly becoming the highest ranking member of his operational shift of agents. With this distinction came greater responsibility and Daniel quickly rose to the challenge. He was designated as the lead agent responsible for the coordination of the President’s trip to Prague for the signing of the START treaty, his visit to Jakarta, Indonesia, amongst a myriad of terror threats, and finally as the lead agent responsible for the President’s visit to an active war zone in Afghanistan. With the successful coordination of these historic events, Daniel was awarded a series of commendations and left the protective detail as one of the most distinguished agents in their history.

Daniel transferred to the Baltimore Field Office in 2010 where he immediately made an impact on the community, breaking up one of the largest fraud rings in Maryland's history.

Monday, March 5, 2012

"Walking With Presidents: Stories From Inside The Perimeter" (2008) by Mike Endicott- RAW NOTES

page 7: first wife Virginia Nagle-father Fred Nagle (Anhcorage, AK office)- urged Mike to join Secret Service [see Darwin Horn's book "Dar's Story": Nagel later was forced out of the agency in disgrace];

entered Secret Service 7/5/65; (page 8) 20 years: 1965-1985; over 100 countries and all 50 states visited; assigned to Sec of State Kissinger in 1974 for 2 years;

page 8: Nixon- first President to give up Secret Service protection; Nixon hired him to provide private security

page 9: joined PPD in 1969; SAIC of Former Pres. Nixon Detail 1979;

page 10: 1968, 1972 campaigns; VP Rockefeller and Mondale

page 22: December 1963- married Virginia Nagle, Fairbanks, AK

pages 22-23 Fred Nagle; Nagle urged him to join due to large hiring re: Warren Report- took exam Summer 1964; born 1944; Michael, Jr born January 1965

page 23: Sacramento, CA 7/5/65

page 24: sworn in with fellow agent Larry Sheafe

SAIC Steve Byrne; first few weeks: read Secret Service Manual, WC Report;

SA's Gary Miller & Hugh Pettit

page 24: training- Fall 1965, Spring 1966

pages 26-27: SF FO Larry Newman- ID (Intelligence) agent; both protected Lady Bird Johnson on a visit

page 27: protected LBJ on a visit

page 33: January 1968: 4 month temp assignment, former Pres Ike Detail

page 43: Doug Duncan, SF FO- joined Governor Reagan Detail 1968 campaign; detail leader: John Simpson; SA Ed Hickey; (page 49) SA's John O'Toole, Bob Horan, Bob Barker

page 48: Mike told Mrs Reagan that she and her family "must respond at once to what any agent told them";

page 55: Director James Rowley: met with Reagan

pages 55-56: SA Paul Rundle-in charge of security for RNC 1968

page 58: Simpson-headed the Agnew Detail

page 60: 1968 DNC Chicago

page 63: SA Joe Worthington

page 66: worked Nixon inaugural January 1969

page 67: Bob Taylor, SAIC WHD [LBJ-]Nixon [after Clint Hill, before Dick Keiser]

pages 67-68: Bob Taylor [Nixon inaugural] "was in serious negotiations with the senior White House Staff concerning the placement of agents alongside the limousine during the inaugural parade...He understood the desire of the White House Staff not to have agents riding the rear bumper of the limo, but Taylor knew he needed to have his agents close enough to respond in the event the situation required it. Taylor agreed to have the agents walk parallel to the limousine near the crowd during the initial phase of the parade. He told Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman he would keep open the option of using agents in their traditional positions on the rear bumper, near the rear doors, and next to the front fenders of the limousine if the situation dictated...Taylor directed agents to move to their normal positions...I gained alot fo respect that day for Taylor when he would not relent to the demands of Haldeman." [agents rode on the limo and agents walked surrouding the limo!]

page 70: Feb 1969- reassignment to Protective Support Division (PSD) in Washington, D.C.

page 71: SA John Novak-Pittsburgh FO; protected Treas Sec David Kennedy

page 73: protected NY Governor Nelson Rockefeller with (page 74) SA Jim Goodenough (goodwill tour of South America)---(page 78) SAIC Ernie Olsson---(page 81) Haiti leg of tour: SA Brooks Keller, advance agent

page 84: 30 day temp assignment PPD late July 1969 Nixon

page 86: during tmep assignment- Shift Leader was Ron Pontius, "an excellent agent and supervisor"; SA Charlie McCaffrey, PPD- came from NY FO

page 88: at the end of temp assignment, received permanent transfer to PPD---assigned to Wilson Livingood's shift-diligent, provided extensive and comprehensive on-the-job training; people person; respected by SAIC Taylor; his first mentor at the White House

page 90: reassigned to First Lady Pat Nixon's Detail- SAIC was Vern Copeland

Page 91: Tricia Nixon detail leader- Chuck Rochner; Julie Nixon detail leader- Hal Thomas

Page 92: SAIC Bob Taylor- especially close to and respected by Nixon re: 1958 Caracas incident

Page 94: Paul Rundle

Page 95: ASAIC Bill Duncan- responsible for the family details

Page 101: Shift Leader Richard Keiser

Page 102: Agent Clarence “Buck” Lyda

Page 105: in March 1971, after 18 months on Pat Nixon’s detail, transferred to PPD

Page 110: P. Hamilton Brown- Shift Leader

Page 112: Agent Cliff Dietrich- died in helicopter crash

Page 114: Agent Dennis Shaw

Page 115-116: Nixon- 1970- WHP renamed Executive Protective Service

Page 117: Nixon via Executive order- directed the Secret Service to provide protection to foreign dignitaries as well as American dignitaries who traveled abroad

Page 120: transferred in July 1971 to the Seattle FO- SAIC Elmer Moore

Page 126: Agent Jurg Mattman- Paris FO

Page 128: provided security for Edmund Muskie 1972- detail leader: Jimmy Johnson; Barney Boyette-Johnson’s assistant

Page 129: Watergate; Sargent Shriver Detail (VP Agnew); Agent Kevin McCarthy- asst leader

Page 147: SAIC PSD Robert Lapham; Kissinger Detail: SAIC Jack Ready, SA Ned Hall, and SA Bill Bacherman

Page 151: PSD Agent Matt Daley

Page 152: SAIC John Simpson of Protective Operations

Page 177: PSD Agent Ed Dansereau- came to the Secret Service from CIA after the Kennedy assassination

Page 179: arrived at PSD Dec 1973; Kissinger Detail initially was small- Jack Ready: SAIC w/ 6 others inc Agent Walter Bothe from NYFO

Page 180: Agent Mike Cohen and Jack Renwick- Foreign Intelligence Branch

Page 187 [and 190]: Agent Bill Bush, PSD

Page 191: Livingood now SAIC- Office of Protective Operations

Page 192: Doc Watson and Chuck McCreedy- PSD

Pages 197-198: Director Stu Knight

Page 199: driver/ Special Officer Hank Schwobel

Page 201: new Kissinger (PSD) leader James Cantrell

Page 202: Secret Service Intelligence Branch headed up by Mike Mastrovito

Page 203: Kissinger advance team headed up by Jimmie L.C. Miller of LA FO

Page 207: Agent Grady Askew of Atlanta FO on Syria/ Kissinger trip

Page 209: Special Officer William “Shelly” Shellhammer- one of the Kissinger detail driver

Page 214: SAIC Don Edwards- Secret Service Uniform Division

Page 235: Kissinger Detail (D.C.)- Agent Don Stebbins and John O’Toole+ (page 241) Robert Lapham, Barney Boyette, Jack Ready, Jim Cantrell, and Ed Dansereau

Page 245: advance agent Jim Andersen

Page 256: PDS agent Jim Legette

Page 259: Agent Ralph Basham, WFO- added to Kissinger detail, as was (page 261) William Montgomery, also from the WFO

Page 261: further Kissinger detail agents: Walter Bothe, Bill Pots, Chuck Owens
Page 262: Mike transferred to VP Rockefeller’s Detail

Page 264: “Wilson Livingood was the guardian angel of PSD”

Page 284: Mike promoted to operations supervisor with VPPD (Rockefeller) April 1975- united with Boyette; Jimmy Taylor [interrupted attempt on Wallace in 1972]: SAIC (Boyette- his deputy); David Grant [a shift leadet when Mike was on PPD 1969-1971]: ASAIC

Page 285: Agent Dennis Dwyer- in charge of Rockefeller family detail in NY; Agent Ben Locket

Page 289: more praise for Livingood

Page 298: Taylor & Boyette- Mondale transition detail

Pages 302-303: Mondale told Endicott that “Nixon was evil, evil”- Mike takes umbrage with this remark

Page 309: Supervisor David Grant retired VPPD (early Carter admin)

Page 312: Agent Ned Hall (formerly PSD) was the liaison representative to the military re: meeting at Pentagon

Page 313: Grant replaced VPPD by Richard (Dick) Lefler, who had been head of the Sec of Treas Detail (SAIC LA FO Robert Powis)

Page 317: Agent Harry Ludwig- Mondale Detail

Page 319: Agent Charlie English- Mondale Detail

Page 324: Spring 1978- Robert Powis transferred from LA FO to Asst Dir Protective Operations---one of the top field office administrators now in charge of all protection; Frank Woof- SAIC Portland FO

Page 325: AD Powis and his deputy John Simpson

Page 332: Agent Roy Wilson

Page 335: SAIC Jerry Parr, Mondale- replaced Jimmy Taylor (late 1978); Dick Lefler: replaced Livingood in Protective Operations [off-year elections]

Page 336: Gus Holmes- Protective Operations logistics person

Page 347: Agent Chuck Zboril- a shift leader on PPD in 1969; with Mondale 1979

Page 350: Pontius- SAIC Ex-Nixon Detail---applied for disability retirement (Jack Ready- his assistant); Endicott replaced Pontius end of August 1979

Page 356: Agent Larry McCann- acting supervisor on the Ex-Nixon Detail; the son of a retired agent [Gerard?]

Page 358: Nixon trip to China- Agent Jimmy L.C. Miller from LA FO doing the advance

Page 378: Nixon’s to NY Dec 1979- Agent Joe Gallo NY FO- shift leader, responsible for setting up the permanent detail; McCann- Mike’s assistant

Page 380: Nixon’s scheduled arrival in NYC 1/20/80

Page 382: Mike married a girl who was working on the staff of VP Mondale

Page 387: Agent Frank Murphy

Page 392: Agent Marty Venker

Page 393: Miami ID Agent John Golden

Page 407: ID, Foreign Intelligence Branch- Agent Jack Renwick

Page 417: Agent Hal Thomas-Paris

Page 425: Agent Eddie Ryan- NYFO

Page 427: Agent Jurge Mattman-Paris FO

Page 441: Agent Bert Vint; Agent Bill Burch

Page 452: Agent Bill Hoskyn- SAIC Ex-Carter detail

Page 460: Agents Fran Primavera, Gary Ross, Pat Sullivan, John Barry, Tom Sloan, Gerry Connolly, Stan Dobrynio, Doug Ferry

Page 461: Agent John Rodrigues

Page 468: February 1983- McCann was replaced by Bill Wasley to assist as a working supervisor with Nixon

Page 470: Agent Ed Pollard, Asst Dir, Protective Operations

Page 473: Agent Karen Toll

Page 492: Agent Hollendersky- SAIC Newark FO: SAIC Ex-Nixon detail before Pontius

Page 517: Agent Steve Garmon- on PPD 1969-1971: office of Protective Operations 1986

My review of "Walking With Presidents: Stories From Inside The Perimeter" (2008) by Mike Endicott

4.0 out of 5 stars Between a 3 and a 4----3 and a half?, March 5, 2012
By Vince Palamara "SECRET SERVICE/JFK/STEELERS/M... (South Park/Bethel Park, PA) - See all my reviews
(REAL NAME) This review is from: Walking With Presidents: Stories From Inside The Perimeter (Paperback)
As the leading literary Secret Service expert (civilian), I modestly recommend this book from esteemed former Secret Service Agent Mike Endicott, a name familiar to readers of former President Richard Nixon's book "In The Arena", as well as former Secret Service Agent (and Endicott colleague) Marty Venker's book "Confessions of an Ex-Secret Service Agent" (written with George Rush), as well as a book I am mentioned in on several occasions, Philip Melanson's book "The Secret Service: The Hidden History of an Enigmatic Agency." While the book contains several typos (a minor point in the big scheme of things, as Endicott's book is self-published) and ends abruptly, albeit after 519 pages, I found the work to be more or less of value and interest for those with an eye towards presidential history (especially with regard to Nixon)and the Secret Service.

To his credit, Endicott names names (of many former colleagues) but does not give the game away (agency protective secrets), while mostly staying away from any tawdry or gossip-oriented anecdoctes. This is refeshing in this day and age of tabloid press and "tell all" books. That said, it is exasperating how Endicott ends the book---no post-1986 stories: the death of Nixon, how his career came to an end, etc. I cannot help but feel this was a "hazard"---a mistake?---from self publishing and many more pages---perhaps whole chapters---were inadvertently excised.

Keeping these factors into sharp focus, Endicott does admirably, albeit dryly, cover the period from 1965 (when he entered the Secret Service) until 1986 (when the book comes to a screeching halt). All told, Endicott visited over 100 countries, as well as all 50 states in America, protecting Spiro Agnew, Nelson Rockefeller, Walter Mondale, Dwight Eisenhower, Lady Bird & Lyndon Johnson, Edmund Muskie, Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissinger, and, of course, Richard Nixon. I found most of the stories and anecdotes fairly fascinating and well told, although some of the Kissiner-related material became a tad long-winded.

Interesting details abound: Endicott was urged to join the Secret Service via his first wife's father Fred Nagle, an agent who we know (from reading Darwin Horn's book "Dar's Story") later left the agency in disgrace; brushing shoulders and working with a number of agents who protected JFK and/ or LBJ: Larry Newman, Paul Rundle, James Rowley, Jim Goodenough, Ernie Olsson, Brooks Keller (an agent made "infamous" via books by the aforementioned Venker and Dennis McCarthy), Ron Pontius, Bill Livingood(later the Sgt at Arms of the House of Representatives, Clinton-Obama), Bob Taylor, Bill Duncan, Dick Keiser, John Simpson, P. Hamilton Brown, Elmer Moore, Jimmy Johnson, Jack Ready, Ned Hall II, Bill Bacherman, James Cantrell, James "Mike" Mastrovito, David Grant, and Chuck Zboril; working with other noteworthy agents such as future Director Ralph Basham, Karen Toll, Marty Venker, Jerry Parr, Dick Lefler, Don Stebbins (later Executive Secretary of the AFAUSSS), Grady Askew, Chuck Rochner, and Larry Sheafe.

Ultimately, I would assess the book somewhere between a 3 (good) to a 4 (very good). That said, do not hesitate to get this if you are a Secret Service "buff" or someone who is interested in the true accounts of several prominent people in U.S. (and world) history. Mike Endicott seems like a good guy, too---thank you, sir, for your service to our country.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Tom Behl, John Lardner, George Chaney, Larry Hess, Talmadge Bailey, Dale Wunderlich, Louis Mayo, Bill Skiles, Sam Sulliman, David Ray, Frank Yeager, Andy Berger, Gerald Bechtle: obits+

Tom Behl, John Lardner, George Chaney, Larry Hess, Talmadge Bailey, Dale Wunderlich, Louis Mayo, Bill Skiles, Sam Sulliman, David Ray, Frank Yeager, Andy Berger, Gerald Bechtle: obits+

Archive for Monday, October 21, 2002
Gila County names Tom Behl Day, Oct. 24
October 21, 2002

For eight-and-a-half years, Tom Behl has dedicated his days to Gila County's children.

And now that he's retiring from that service, the Gila County Board of Supervisors has dedicated a day Oct. 24 to Tom Behl.

In declaring Tom Behl Day in Gila County, the supervisors called upon "all citizens, community agencies, religious organizations, medical facilities, and businesses to recognize outstanding and consistent advocation for the best interest of children, thereby strengthening the communities in which we live."

In other words, appreciate residents like Behl, who's been working as a volunteer within Gila County's Court Appointed Special Advocate program, better known as CASA, since he first discovered it in 1994.

Since that time, Behl has served on 23 cases and advocated for 44 children.

"In each instance, Mr. Behl has made a difference that will be with (the children) always," said Ceceille Masters-Webb, coordinator of Arizona CASA. "One gets the impression that it has been a mutually rewarding relationship for Mr. Behl and the children."

This isn't the first time in his life that Behl has made a difference.

A former Secret Service agent, he once stood guard over vice presidents Spiro Agnew and Hubert Humphrey, and briefly both John Fitzgerald Kennedys, among many others.

"Mr. Behl's experience was an excellent basis for investigating the best interest of the children he served and writing court reports," Masters-Webb said, noting that Behl has also worked as a volunteer in the Payson Area Habitat for Humanity program, and is a member of the board of directors for Payson's Community Action program.

But it's Behl's relentless promotion, support and volunteer work for CASA that's earned this 13-year Payson resident his own day.

"When children become wards of the court, the court can assign a CASA to that child or children," he explained in a January 2000, interview. "Our duties and responsibilities are to be that child's representative in court, and to let the court know what's in the best interest of the child. Not what's in the best interest of anybody else. Just the child's."

Once a court order was issued, Behl spent time with the children and their parents, interviewed their teachers and doctors, and prepared written reports to the judge recommending that the child either be returned to the parents or, at the other extreme, severance and adoption of the child.

"As you can imagine, making decisions like that is quite a responsibility," Behl said almost three years ago. "But ... with my background, it's a natural as far as volunteer work goes."

"It's pretty nice, pretty nice (to have his own day)," Behl said Monday afternoon. "I think I kind of surprised everyone when I announced I was retiring, and now I'm surprised by everything that's happening."

And what will Tom Behl be doing on Tom Behl Day?

"Well, I guess I'll be at Mario's Restaurant at 11:30 a.m. for a little luncheon and a little recognition," he said, laughing.

The luncheon may be little. But the recognition will be huge.

John Joseph Lardner, former Secret Service agent
John Joseph Lardner guarded President Kennedy on a winter day, with his right hand — and his trigger finger — exposed.

By J.M. Lawrence
Globe Correspondent / December 1, 2010

When John F. Kennedy was inaugurated in 1961, Secret Service agent John Joseph Lardner rode behind him on Pennsylvania Avenue. He was proud to be a kid from Lowell who grew up to guard the president, he told his family.

Tweet Be the first to Tweet this!0diggsdiggYahoo! Buzz ShareThis There was little else he ever shared about those Kennedy years. “There’s a reason we’re called the Secret Service,’’ Mr. Lardner would often tell his nephew, Michael Walsh of Bedford, N.H.

Mr. Lardner, a US Marine Corps captain who was a Secret Service agent from 1959 to his retirement in 1983 as special agent in charge of Rhode Island and Bristol County, died of a heart attack at his home in Easton Nov. 19.

He was 80.

“My dad lived his life by the Marine Corps code,’’ God, corps, and country, said his oldest daughter, Kristin M. Brown of East Sandwich.

“It was just the way his life was.’’

Mr. Lardner would never discuss his assignment on the day Kennedy was shot or say whether he was in Dallas.

“He would never tell,’’ his daughter said.

“He had strong opinions about the assassination, but it was very difficult for him to talk about. He was never a man at a loss for words, but it was the one subject you just couldn’t approach him about.’’

Following the assassination, Mr. Lardner was assigned to the detail guarding Jacqueline Kennedy and her children. His family said they believe Mrs. Kennedy personally requested him.

After his sudden death, his daughter began sorting through his personal papers and found thank you notes from Mrs. Kennedy and jokes in the agent’s old spiral bound notebook jotted by a young Caroline Kennedy.

In one old photo, Mr. Lardner walks behind the president as he leaves a hospital pushing Mrs. Kennedy in a wheelchair. A nurse carries newborn John Jr.

In another photo, Mr. Lardner stands next to President Kennedy on a winter day. The agent wears one glove on his left hand, leaving his right hand — and his trigger finger — exposed.

Born in the Bronx, Mr. Lardner was the only son of a brick mason John and a nurse, Mary (Corcoran), who emigrated from County Kerry, Ireland. His sister Eileen died in 2009.

Mr. Lardner graduated in 1949 from Lowell High, where he played football.

He became an apprentice brick mason under his father and grandfather while going to Northeastern University. He graduated with a degree in business in 1954 and joined the Marines.

He was married more than 35 years to Karen M. (Buchwald). They met at a pub in Boston in the 1970s when she was a nurse. They had three children. His daughter Kristin recalled reveling at the sight of her father’s dress uniform.

“He would have me lead the charge through the house with my brothers and sisters in marching cadence. ‘Over hill over dale, we will hit the dusty trail . . .’ I can sing the entire song to his day,’’ said Kristin, who is a paramedic.

Mr. Lardner started out in the forgery and counterfeit department of the Secret Service before he was assigned to presidential details.

Mr. Lardner, who was known as Jack, showed little interest in his former colleague Gerald Blaine’s just published book, “The Kennedy Detail: JFK’s Secret Service Agents Break Their Silence,’’ according to his family.

“I said, Jack you’re not going to buy the book? He said, ‘Mike, there’s a reason why we were called the Secret Service,’ ’’ his nephew said.

“I said man, oh, man, that’s old school talking.’’

Mr. Lardner also was a life-long Republican and supported Republican candidates in Massachusetts, including Senator Scott Brown.

“The only time I saw him cry in the 33 years I knew him was the day President Reagan died,’’ said his daughter. “He adored him.’’

Mr. Lardner was active in local government in Easton, where he was on the Finance Committee for several years. He was an avid tennis player and an expert skier.

In recent years, he enjoyed investing in the stock market and sharing stock tips with his family. However, he would never talk about substantial topics over cordless phones, his nephew said.

“He would always say, ‘Are you hardwired?’ He was very careful of what he would say on a telephone,’’ Michael said.

In addition to his oldest daughter and wife, Mr. Lardner leaves his son, J. Adam of Easton; another daughter, Kerry A. of Truro; and five grandchildren.

Services have been held.
George Washington Chaney |

Chaney, George W. George Washington Chaney, left this world August 14, 2011 to be with our Lord. He died peacefully at home with his loving wife of 51 years, Margaret "Toddy", by his side. George was born June 12, 1925 in San Antonio, Texas to Thomas and Lillie Chaney. Following high school George enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served for three years during World War II. He continued to serve our country through a long and productive career in the U.S. Secret Service. His posts included President Eisenhower's Protective Detail in Gettysburg, PA, Assistant Agent in Charge of personnel in Washington, D.C., Special Agent in the Dallas Field Office, and Special Agent in Charge of the El Paso Field Office. He retired from the Secret Service in 1977 and began his second career as a questioned document examiner and owner of Lewis & Associates, formerly owned by retired agent Roy Lewis. After 22 years George retired a second time to spend more time with his family and church at Park Cities Baptist. At church he was active in the adult Sunday School class, serving as Department Superintendent for many years. George never met a stranger, saw good in everyone, and the gentle, principled way he conducted his life was a model for all who had the privilege to know him. His family and friends gratefully send his soul to be with our Lord in the "Great [Secret Service] Command Post" in Heaven. George is survived by: Toddy and their children, Holly, Warren, Devon, Carol, David and their spouses and children; a brother, Neil; and numerous nieces and nephews. He is predeceased by his parents, two brothers and two sisters. A memorial service will be held at Park Cities Baptist Church on Saturday, August 27 at 10:30 a.m. In lieu of flowers please send donations to: Foundation of the Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service - AFAUSSS, attn: Kathy Rinkenberger, Executive Director, 525 SW 5th St., Ste. A, Des Moines, IA, 50309, 515-282-8192; OR Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind, 4306 Capitol Ave., Dallas, TX, 75204, 214-420-9420.


Retired secret service agent George Chaney dies at 86
DEBORAH FLECK The Dallas Morning News
Staff Writer
Published: 25 August 2011 10:58 PM
RelatedGeorge Washington Chaney, retired Secret Service agent, died Aug. 14 in Dallas.
Photo: courtesy / courtesy George Washington Chaney’s Secret Service career took him from “diaper duty,” where he watched President Dwight Eisenhower’s children and grandchildren in Gettysburg, Pa., to Dallas, where he was on President Lyndon Johnson’s protective detail. He also had stops in El Paso and Washington, D.C. before retiring in 1977. With Dallas as a home base, he began a second career as a document examiner for Lewis &Associates.

A native of San Antonio, Mr. Chaney died Aug. 14 at age 86.

Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at Park Cities Baptist Church, 3933 Northwest Parkway in Dallas.

“He enjoyed it and was proud of his work, but it was hard on him not seeing his family,” said daughter Devon Nassif of Dallas. He was the father of five children, who grew up mostly in Dallas.

After high school, Mr. Chaney enlisted in the U.S. Navy and served three years during World War II. A few years later, he began is career with the U.S. Secret Service. He met his wife of 51 years, Margaret “Toddy” Chaney, during his post in Gettysburg.

Mr. Chaney then became an assistant agent in charge of personnel in Washington, D.C.

“He was in D.C. when Kennedy was shot and was good friends with the Dallas agents who worked then,” Mrs. Nassif said. Mr. Chaney returned to Dallas in 1970 for a few years before being sent to El Paso. He served in El Paso from 1974 to his retirement in 1977.

His second career lasted 22 years. He bought Lewis & Associates from Roy Lewis, a retired agent.

Mrs. Nassif said her father had many interesting stories from both careers, especially about President Johnson, but he couldn’t share them with anyone.

Family friends Ann and Roland Kelley of Colleyville said, “His mind was sharp, and he remembered every detail he was on.”

During retirement, Mr. Chaney became active at his church, Park Cities Baptist. He served as department superintendent of the adult Sunday school class.

In addition to his wife and daughter, he is survived by children Holly Barber of Coppell, Warren Hafer of Nashua, N.H., Carol Larson of Pueblo, Colo., and David Chaney of Ashburn, Va.; and brother Neil Chaney of San Antonio. David Chaney followed in his father’s footsteps and is a secret service agent in Washington, D.C.

Memorials may be made to the Foundation of the Association of Former Agents of the U.S. Secret Service, Attention Kathy Rinkenberger, 525 SW Fifth St., Suite A, Des Moines, Iowa 50309; 515-282-8192; or Dallas Lighthouse for the Blind, 4306 Capitol Ave., Dallas, Texas 75204; 214-420-9420.

Lawrence Hess

This is to inform you that my Uncle, Lawrence Hess, Class of "52", passed away on the 5th of November 2006, in Snellville, Ga. I came across your Lehigh Univ. web site by accident while doing some research about my family, the Hess’, which is where I found a picture of my uncle. I also noticed that no one had posted that he had passed away so I thought I’d inform you and his classmates. His widow aunt Susan, still lives in Snellville Ga. He was a really great uncle, a loyal Lehigh man, and will be sorely missed. There are two sons, Thomas Hess, is an officer in the US Navy stationed presently in San Diego, Calif., and Larry Hess in Duluth, GA.

Thank you, John H. Hess - April 2009


Larry Hess, 79, worked as Secret Service agent

It wasn't easy for Larry Hess to become a Secret Service agent, but once in. he quickly became a good one. When Larry and I joined, there were only 300 agents, "said Frank Slocum of Waianae, Hawaii. "In order to get into the Secret Service, somebody had to die or resign or be fired to create an opening!” That was 1955, and the service was under the Treasury Department. "We always had to set an example of thrift," said the retired agent. "We had to drive old cars without radios or air conditioning!” Working counterfeit cases, Mr. Hess helped agents get nicer cars to drive. "We always met with the suspect in his own car, "Mr. Slocum said, became those had more luxuries than Secret Service cars, "That way, after we got the counterfeit money, we could sell the car. That's how we got our cars!”

Mr. Hess, who was an expert marksman, was assigned to field offices from Los Angeles to Atlanta. He helped protect presidents from Dwight D. Eisenhower onward through his retirement in 1981, said his son. Tom Hess of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

The funeral for Lawrence Thomas Hess. 79, of Snellville is at 11 a.m. today at Henry Funeral Home. The graveside service is at 2:30 p.m. today at Georgia Veterans Cemetery in Milledgeville. He died of cancer Sunday at Embracing Hospice.

When a president was traveling new the field office where he was assigned, Mr. Hess was called upon to provide additional Secret Service protection, Mr. Slocum said. For three years he protected Eisenhower's grandson, David Eisenhower, with whom he maintained a relationship, his son said. When President Eisenhower was playing golf at Augusta National or in Palm Springs, Calif., Mr. Hess was on the course with him, but not on the fairway. "We had to walk in the rough toting radios and machine guns," Mr. Slocum said. "That's why I don't like golf!” Mr. Hess was attached to President Richard Nixon's historic trip to China and to the investigation of President John F. Kennedy's assassination, his son said.

Because he was a bachelor in the Secret Service, he got moved around frequently and called upon for a variety of assignments, Mr. Slocum said. I would consider Larry a good agent became he was very conscientious," he said. "He was a go‑getter, plus, he was a very smart guy."

Once he left the Secret Service, Mr. Hess continued to protect presidents in his fashion. Through letters to the editor of The Atlanta Journal Constitution, he castigated the press, opponents of the president and the nation's allies. "He was a Ronald Reagan Republican," his son said.

At home, he entertained himself playing the piano and collecting beer steins. In the community, the World War II U.S. Navy veteran had been see an officer of VFW 4180 and of the American Legion in Snellville, his son said.

Survivors include his wife, Susan Hess; another son, Larry Hess of Snellville; and two grandchildren.

Secret Service agent Larry Hess works security for
President Lyndon B. Johnson as he addresses troops in the 1960s

Talmadge W. Bailey, 87, of Palm City, died March 11, 2011 at his residence. He was born in Apex, NC and had been a resident of Palm City for 30 years, having moved from Charlotte, NC. He was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps having served during WWII. He had been a Secret Service Agent for the U.S. Government before retirement. He was a member of the Evergreen Country Club and the Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service.
He is survived by his son, Dr. Clifton Bailey of Tallahassee; daughter, Dr. Rebecca Ann Bailey of Oveido, FL; sisters, Ann Williams of Emerald Isles and Ellen Bassett of Myrtle Beach, SC and brother, Hubert Bailey of Wilson, NC. He was preceded in death by his wife, Frances C. Bailey.
No services are scheduled.
Arrangements are entrusted to Forest Hills Funeral Homes, Palm City Chapel.
Condolences may be written on:

The Evergreen Club sends its deepest condolences to the Bailey family. He will be missed.
Posted by: The Evergreen Club - Palm City, FL May 16, 2011 I met Talmadge 42 years ago (1969) when I was a new agent in the Secret Service. He was then and continued to be a great mentor, a fantastic agent and a good and decent man. I am saddened by his passing and know that he will be missed. My condolences to his family.
Posted by: J. Benny Crosby - Panama City Beach, FL - Friend and former colleague Mar 28, 2011 Talmage was one of the really good guys. A true southern gentleman. After 25 years of meetings, volunteer work and golf together, I can't remember a single time he wasn't a great guy. I wish him, Bud and Becky all the best as he is reunited with Francis.
Posted by: Charles Dyer - Palm City, FL Mar 17, 2011 Twenty-three years ago Mr. Bailey opened his home up to a bunch of us who were going on a seven day barefoot cruise the next day to the Bahamas. I recall the e numerous plaques, letters, pictures, etc. from friends and family of various presidents that covered the walls in his office, people he had impacted in his role with the Secret Service over the years. He clearly had a long and full life and had a positive impact on the world and those who knew him.
Posted by: Scottie Whiddon - Tallahassee, FL - Friend/colleague Mar 17, 2011 Our thoughts and prayers are with Bud and Becky and the other family members. I served with Talmadge in various assignments beginning at the Miami FO during the early '60s and our families were close for many years. Bud and Becky baby sat for our children in MIA and we also shared assignments in the Office of Inspection, USSS HQ. Talmadge and Francis were good friends and we miss them. Our hearts go out to Bud and Becky. Tom and Shirley Wells
Posted by: Thomas Wells - St Augustine, FL - Friend/professional associate Mar 17, 2011
A Dale Wunderlich - NCISS 2011 Conference Speaker
U. S. Secret Service-Executive Protection Problems

A. Dale Wunderlich, CPP, CFE
A. Dale Wunderlich & Associates, Inc.
6484 Lemon Gulch Drive, Castle Rock, CO 80108
(720) 851-8771
Fax (720) 851-8763
Email address:

Mr. Wunderlich received his Bachelor of Science degree from Washington State University in Police Science and Administration (Criminology). He is presently earning his Master of Science degree at the University of Denver with a major in Security Management. While attending Washington State University Mr. Wunderlich was a police officer on the Pullman, Washington Police Department. Upon graduation, he became a police officer on the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). He then became a Special Agent with the United States Secret Service.

While with the Los Angeles Police Department, Mr. Wunderlich served as a uniformed patrol officer as well as a plain clothes officer assigned to the Scientific Investigation Division, Comparative Analysis Section and was qualified as an expert in firearms identification (ballistics), number restoration, bomb disposal and crime scene reconstruction. While in the U.S. Secret Service, Mr. Wunderlich was assigned at the White House in Washington D.C. and at several field offices. During his career in the Secret Service, he served on protective assignments with five Presidents, several Vice Presidents and numerous visiting foreign dignitaries. During one protective assignment in Washington D. C. he was assigned to the Protective Intelligence/Technical Security Division. In his capacity as a Special Agent for Protective Divisions, he conducted physical security surveys for Presidents, Vice Presidents, other U.S. government officials and specified foreign dignitaries in numerous foreign countries and forty-nine states. He also conducted physical security surveys for visiting heads of state at many locations throughout the United States.

While assigned at the Technical Security Division and in the Denver Field Office of the U.S. Secret Service, Mr. Wunderlich was involved in the design and implementation of security systems for the White House, the U.S. Treasury Building, the U.S. Mint (Denver), various Presidential residences and the State of Colorado Governor’s mansion. These activities included recommendations for security hardware such as alarms, CCTV and access control systems.

In private industry, Mr. Wunderlich was employed as Manager of Corporate Security for Continental Airlines, Vice President of Security and North American Operations for British West Indian Airways and Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Board for Security for a large oil exploration and production company. While serving as an airline security manager, Mr. Wunderlich conducted security surveys at airline facilities throughout the United States and the Caribbean. During that period of time he also negotiated security contracts, supervised and trained contract security officers and provided training for company security personnel. For the past thirty years, he has owned and operated his own security consulting company.

Since opening his own business in 1979, Mr. Wunderlich has conducted physical security surveys, trained security officers, evaluated and established security programs or conducted internal theft investigations throughout the world. Some of the countries he has worked in are Saudi Arabia, South Africa, West Africa, East Africa, South America, Central America, Mexico, Mongolia, China, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Russia, The Commonwealth of Independent States (Kyrgyzstan & Uzbekistan), Europe, Indonesia, Thailand and throughout North America. These activities involved measures providing protection for company assets as well as company employees, setting up security departments and training security personnel. Mr. Wunderlich has also taught courses on procedures for conducting physical security surveys to national security forces from ten Middle Eastern countries, for the American Society for Industrial Security, the Professional Private Investigators of Colorado and other professional groups. In his career in the security business, Mr. Wunderlich has conducted in excess of twelve hundred security audit/surveys and has prepared the design specifications for hundreds of alarm, CCTV and access control systems. He has written numerous articles on the need for physical security, which have been printed in nationally and internationally circulated publications.

During his career in the security/law enforcement field, Mr. Wunderlich has testified as an expert witness in excess of three-hundred and fifty times, in municipal, state and federal courts. He is a member of the National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS), the World Association of Detectives (WAD), Association of Former Agents of the U. S. Secret Service and is the Past President of the Professional Private Investigators of Colorado. The World Association of Detectives awarded Mr. Wunderlich with the “Investigator of the Year” award in 1991 in recognition of the many complex investigations he has conducted and his contribution to the field of private investigations and security consulting. At the World Association of Detectives annual Conference in Zurich, Switzerland in 2007, Mr. Wunderlich was honored as the "Security Professional of the Year." At the 85th annual meeting of the World Association of Detectives in the Republic of Malta, Mr. Wunderlich was presented with a lifetime achievement award for "Long and Meritorious Service to the Investigations and Security Profession." Further, Mr. Wunderlich serves on the Board of Directors and is chairman of the Ethics Committee for the World Associations of Detectives.

Mr. Wunderlich is also the past President and past Chairman of the Board of the National Council of Investigation and Security Services (NCISS). He also is Chairman of the Ethics, Grievance and Disciplinary Committee for NCISS and presently serves on the Board of Directors.

Mr. Wunderlich holds the designation of Certified Protection Professional (CPP) from the Professional Certification Board of the ASIS International (Formerly American Society for Industrial Security) and the designation of Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
Dr. Louis Mayo has over 50 years in policing with the last 35 years working at the national level to improve local policing, including; operations, management, research, education,training and consultations. He directed a nationwide program of police executive training in a variety of topics which trained over 20,000 police officials.

Federal and State Courts across the nation have qualified Dr. Mayo as an expert witness in a variety of police malpractice subjects, including; excessive force, false arrest, illegal search, policies, training, supervision, discipline, and automobile pursuits.

BackgroundQ: Please list your professional accreditations, degrees, licenses, and certificates granted:
A: BA, MS, Ph.D. all in police operations and management.

Q: Please list your affiliations or memberships in any professional and/or industry organizations:
A: International Association of Chiefs of Police, Police Execcutive Research Forum, Police Association for College Education (founder), Society of Police Futurests International, International Association for Law Enforcent Training, Academy of Criminal Justrice Sciences-Police Section, American Society for Public Administration, California Peace Officers Association and Association of Fromer Agents of the United States Secret sErvice.

Q: Please list any teaching or speaking experience you have had, including subject matter:
A: Adjunct professor - graduate and undergraduate courses in police management, invited speaker at regional, state national and international police conferences on police management subjects, directed nagtionwide executive training program for improving policing - trained over 20,000 police officials.

Q: Have any of your accreditations ever been investigated, suspended or removed? (if yes, explain)

Q: On how many occasions have you been retained as an expert?
A: over 50

Q: For what area(s) of expertise have you been retained as an expert?
A: Variety of area of police malpractice, including;

Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the plaintiff?
A: 99%

Q: In what percentage of your cases were you retained by the defendant?
A: 1%

Q: On how many occasions have you had your deposition taken?
A: 35

Q: When was the last time you had your deposition taken?
A: September 2003

Q: On how many occasions have you been qualified by a court to give expert testimony?
A: 14

Q: On how many occasions have you testified as an expert in court or before an arbitrator?
A: 15

Q: For how many years have you worked with the legal industry as an expert?
A: 10

Q: What services do you offer? (E.g.: consulting, testing, reports, site inspections etc.)
A: Conslting, aqnalysis/reporting, site inspections, depositon, testimony

Q: What is your hourly rate to consult with an attorney?
A: 150.00

Q: What is your hourly rate to review documents?
A: 150.00

Q: What is your hourly rate to provide deposition testimony?
A: 200.00

Q: What is your hourly rate to provide testimony at trial?
A: 200.00

Q: Please list any fees other than those stated above (E.g.: travel expenses, copy fees, etc.)
A: Travel expenses

ReferencesReferences available upon request.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Bill Skiles
Every year my dad does taxes for a friend of his named Bill Skiles, and every year my family goes with him to eat dinner and visit with him. This guy is the coolest man I know. He is 75 and a retired secret service agent. He has the coolest stories and he loves to tell them. He guarded 7 presidents, including JFK and Nixon. He always makes us the same meal, but it is always very good and he always makes way too much! Well tonight, my family went, and I brought Justin along. He told all of his cool stories that I have heard before, and even some new ones. He is the funnest guy and all of his stories almost make me want to join the secret service. He is in incredible shape, and his mind is as sharp as ever. I went to be that way when I am 75, still full of life and active. So after getting to spend time with him, and hearing his stories, I had a great evening!
Sam Sulliman '56

Alumni Q&A with Sam Sulliman '56

As President John F. Kennedy made his historic 1963 visit to Berlin, Germany, secret service agents, including Brother Sam Sulliman '56 (far left in dark glasses), help to restrain the welcoming and enthusiastic crowd.

From Sigma Chi to the Grassy Knoll

He was there - that fateful day of November 22, 1963. Assigned to Kennedy's detail as a U.S. Secret Service agent, Brother Sam Sulliman '56 saw the rise and fall of one of our nation's most high-profile presidents.

"Although I was with Kennedy's detail in Dallas, a most sad time in all our lives," said Sulliman, "no doubt my most memorable experience was in 1963 while accompanying President Kennedy to Berlin, Germany. During this trip, the president visited the Berlin Wall from which he made his famous 'Ist Ein Berliner' speech. The motorcade trek through the bombed-out streets of that once regal city as well as the feeling of being a part of world history at that very moment will stay with me forever."

We caught up with Brother Sulliman to find out more about his Secret Service experiences and what Sigma Chi has meant to his life. We hope you enjoy this alumni profile. E-mail us at with your comments.

Tell us more about your career.
I entered the United States Secret Service in Washington, D.C., in July 1959 following a year of law school at the University of Connecticut. After initial training, I was transferred to the Chicago field office where I spent two years covering counterfeit and forgery cases. I was then assigned to the Kennedy-elect detail, during which time I participated in the inauguration. Returning to the Chicago office, I was notified that I was to report to the White House detail within the next 30 days.

Thus began my White House "career," a major life-learning experience, carrying over into the business world as I entered into retirement from the federal government arena. From special agent in charge of the Kennedy summer White House to shift supervisor with other presidents to deputy and then special agent in charge of the vice presidential division, the years took me from the space program to Vietnam and Cambodia to Saudi Arabia and Africa to Greenland. One of the major trips spanned the globe covering some 13,000 miles in its entirety.

My last years with the Secret Service were spent as a field office agent-in-charge of the New England region. It was from that post that I retired and entered corporate and executive security. My Secret Service background was a major door opener within the corporate world, not only in regard to career expertise but within the international networking scenario, as well. The 20 years following my Secret Service career were involved in the field of corporate security with the Fluor Corporation in Irvine, Calif., and with Aetna-US Healthcare in Blue Bell, Pa. Currently I work as a consultant in the area of school safety and security.

Why did you join Sigma Chi at Bucknell?
When I completed my military service (U.S. Army in Korea), two of my close friends were Sigs (Bill Gray '54 and Mitch Gardner '53). They helped me get into Bucknell and Sigma Chi.

What kind of influence has the fraternity had on your life since graduation?
Living with fraternity brothers and running the house as its president independent of outside supervision helped me to adapt to the business world.

With whom do you stay in contact?
Marion Minker ’55, Ken Langone ’57 and Art Kinney ’56.

Tell us about your family.
I have been married to my wife, Lillian, for 42 years. I met her during my days in Washington with the Secret Service. We have three adult children: David, Victoria and Elizabeth.

What other activities or organizations were you involved with at Bucknell?
Varsity baseball and the Interfraternity Council.

Did you live in the house? If so, who were your roommates?
I lived in the house my last three years. Marion Minker was my roommate for two years, Bill Palmer ’56 for the last year.

What affiliations do you currently have?
I am a lifetime member of the Association of Former U.S. Secret Service Agents and of the International Association of Corporate Security; I am an honorary member of the Montgomery County (Pa.) Chiefs of Police.

What hobbies do you enjoy?
I am a Major League Baseball aficionado and longtime Boston Red Sox fan. I also enjoy varied and sundry outdoor activities.

What are your goals for the next few years?
I want to sell the big house and move to Palm Desert, Calif., where the winter months are snowless and sunny!
David F. Ray 1959
Simpsonville, Kentucky

David Ray spent thirty-one years in the United States Secret Service, but there has been nothing secret about his service to his country and to his alma mater.

A native of Louisville, David graduated from Centre in 1959 with a degree in business administration. He immediately began a promising career with the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, but by 1964 a desire for a little more adventure became irresistible. He contacted a friend and fellow alumnus, J. Frank Yeager, who had joined the U.S. Secret Service, and soon he had embarked on a whole new life.

David quickly established himself as a rising star in the Service. He was assigned to protect Richard Nixon during the 1968 campaign. He followed President Nixon to the White House, serving there until the end of the Nixon presidency, including accompanying the Nixon family home to California on Air Force One following Mr. Nixon’s resignation. He continued to serve on Presidential and Vice-Presidential details, work that took him to more than fifty countries. But he also took on other duties, including the Dignitary Protection Division. In this role, he coordinated security for the 1978 Camp David Summit between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and President Jimmy Carter. He later became head of the Technical Security Division of the Secret Service, managed the security for four Presidential inaugurations, supervised the upgrade of security around the White House against the threat of terrorist attacks in the 1980s, and led security arrangements for the first summit between President Reagan and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev. In 1986, he took the opportunity to return home as director of the Service’s Kentucky Field Office, a position he held until his retirement from the Service in 1996. At that time, David established his own successful security consulting business.

When Centre was selected to host the vice-presidential debate, Richard Trollinger and Clarence Wyatt decided to call David to see what advice he could give us about security. We invited him to come down to lunch in March – and he stayed until October 6th. He generously put the expertise developed over 31 years at Centre’s disposal and we shamelessly took advantage of him. He saw the importance in details that we would have neglected. He enabled us to anticipate problems and possibilities that would have risen up to bite us or that would have passed us by. His confidence in Centre’s ability to pull off this event was infectious and his level-headedness at tense moments reassuring. His presence gave us instant credibility with the Commission on Presidential Debates, with the campaigns, and with the many law enforcement agencies that came together in this effort.

As President Roush has said, there were many heroes in the debate story. But there is no doubt that the debate would not have been the success that it was without David. But his work over the last few years is just the latest chapter in a life of consummate professionalism, love of country, and devotion to his alma mater.
Andrew E. Berger, 69 of 4230 Woodglen Lane in Charlotte died Thursday, June 22, 2006 at Lawyers' Glen Assisted Living Center after a long and courageous battle with Alzheimer's disease. A native of New York City, he was born December 31, 1936 and was the son of the late Andrew and Helen Berger of New York.
Mr. Berger was a graduate of Fordham University and attended New York Law School. He enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserves in 1959. He was also an active member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Until his death, he was a member of St. Gabriel Catholic Church.
Mr. Berger's career began when he entered the United States Secret Service in 1961 in New York City. He served under President John Kennedy and was in Dallas, Texas when President Kennedy was assassinated and later accompanied the body on Air Force One. He also drove the hearse with the President's body and Mrs. Kennedy to Love Field in Dallas. He attended the ceremony when President Johnson was sworn in after Kennedy's death. He served under President Lyndon Johnson before becoming Agent-in-Charge of Buffalo, New York. He then joined the vice presidential detail serving under Vice President Spiro Agnew. In 1972, he became Agent-in-Charge of Syracuse, New York. In 1975, he was named Agent-in-Charge of Baltimore, Maryland. He also served under President Gerald Ford, President Jimmy Carter and President Ronald Reagan. Mr. Berger was present in Washington when Ronald Reagan was shot. He retired from the United States Secret Service in 1981.
After retiring from the Secret Service in 1981, Mr. Berger moved his family to Charlotte where he worked as Director of Security for NCNB, then later started his own courier business. After his final retirement in 2001, he enjoyed his family and grandchildren and even helped his son, Chris coach basketball at Charlotte Latin. Mr. Berger loved fishing at the Outer Banks and Kiawah Island, golf, traveling, sports and his favorite team, the Washington Redskins.
Survivors: Beloved wife of 46 years, Dolly Berger, daughter and son-in-law, Kathleen and Boyd Higgins of Charlotte, sons and daughters-in-law, Andrew and Julie Berger of Gastonia, John and Maria Berger of Charlotte, Chris and Heidi Berger of Charlotte, seven grandchildren, Kelsey and Connor Higgins, Jordan Berger, Brady, Riley and Delaney Berger and Molly Berger.
The family would like to extend special gratitude to the staff at Hospice, especially Dr. William Porter, Janice Stovall and Jean Yakley and the compassionate staff at Lawyers Glen Assisted Living Center for the wonderful care Andy received.
A Memorial Mass celebrating Andy's life will be held on Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at 11:00 AM at St. Gabriel Catholic Church, 3016 Providence Road, Charlotte with the Reverend Edward J. Sheridan, Celebrant.
The family will receive friends on Monday, June 26, 2006 from 2 to 4 PM and 6 to 8 PM at Harry and Bryant Company, 500 Providence Road, Charlotte.
In lieu of flowers, memorials may be sent to Hospice at Charlotte, 1420 E. 7th St., Charlotte, NC 28204.
Gerald W. Bechtle

Jerry Bechtle, born December 1, 1936, and raised in Elizabeth, is considered to be the best basketball player ever to play at St. Mary’s. He was the school’s first 1000 point scorer, (1059 total), a 2-year 1st team All State Player, named the number one Catholic School player in the country and one of the top ten players throughout the Nation (1955).

Jerry was named to the 1950’s All Decade Team by The Star Ledger and received every 1st place vote on the St. Mary’s All Time Team voted on by former players and Alumni at the school. Jerry’s legendary coach at St. Mary’s, Al Lobalbo, was once asked to describe Jerry and his response was one word, “Special”!

From over 100 major scholarship offers he and Cousin Jim Halleck chose to attend Maryland University. His team won the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) in 1958 and perhaps his signature game came against mighty North Carolina coached by Frank McGuire when he scored 28 points to beat the number one team in the country.

Jerry was drafted by the Knicks but chose to enter the Secret Service. He retired in 1986 after 24 years of service, traveling to 26 countries and participating in the protection of Presidents Eisenhower, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan. Jerry resides in Vienna, VA with his wife Barbara, married 46 years, with 3 sons and 4 grandchildren.
